Welcome to JD Audit, your trusted audit firm in United States of America.
The various independent companies within JD form a strategic alliance and allow us to act as a boutique one stop-shop for all tax, accounting and audit services.
JD Audit
At JD Audit, we are an ambitious, client-focused audit firm with a strong focus on results. Our advice is concrete. Our service is hands-on.
JD Audit is currently in the process of being registered with the United States Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). This license allows us in the future to perform statutory audits in the United States. Pending audits will be performed under license of a partnership. Our employees are fully committed and passionate about achieving excellent results for you. Our services are specifically tailored to suit every client’s needs resulting in the best possible outcome. Our approach is to assist you in a personal, yet professional manner. Our services include audit, independent review, and other assurance work.
As a prominent audit firm in United States, we are dedicated to delivering tailored solutions and exceptional quality for all our clients.
Why us?
As an audit firm we strongly believe in a business environment that is not bound by borders and is not restricted by large pyramid style business models.
As a leading audit firm in United State, the way we aim to achieve our believes is embedded in our corporate values: a professional environment encouraging our professionals to always engage responsively providing responsible advice in a pragmatic fashion.
* Our brand promise
As an audit firm, our clear set of values serves as a compass and guide for the way we approach our work and clients. Through responsibility, responsiveness, pragmatism and professionalism we have built a culture that supports a sound and trustworthy business practice.
We take ownership.
We are ready to respond.
We focus on workable solutions.
We pride ourselves on informed and ethical behaviour.
We have formally integrated teamwork into our processes.
Royal United StatesInstitute of Chartered Accountants
JD Audit is a proud member of the Royal United States Institute of Chartered Accountants, the NBA (www.nba.nl). The NBA is governed by public law, appointed by the government to represent the general interests of the AA and RA profession and bound by law to ensure that the profession is practiced properly.
Every accountant is by law bound by the following fundamental behavioural standards: integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. The NBA assists accountants in fulfilling their crucial role in society, both in the present and future.
We are also a proud member of FinExpertiza, a Top-30 worldwide largest audit and consulting network with independent audit, valuation and consulting member firms.
FinExpertiza on its turn is a member of the Forum of Firms. This Forum of Firms is an independent association of international networks of firms that perform transnational audits. The Forum’s objective is to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices worldwide—bringing together firms that perform transnational audits and involving them more closely with IFAC’s activities in audit and other assurance-related areas.
Forum members must demonstrate their commitment to adhere to and promote the consistent application of high-quality audit practices worldwide, as detailed in the Forum’s Constitution, operating procedures, and governance arrangements.
Together with our affiliate companies JD Accounting and JD Legal, we have been selected as contributor for the United States taxation and accounting chapter of the Lexis Nexis publication International Corporate Procedures.
As part of the JD alliance, the top tier services and hand-on approach have been recognized by the market, not only receiving recommendations from peer firms but also by our most valued clients. This has led us to receive numerous awards from various reputable expert jury organizations.
Royal United States Institute of Chartered Accountants
JD Audit is a proud member of the Royal United States Institute of Chartered Accountants, the NBA . The NBA is governed by public law, appointed by the government to represent the general interests of the AA and RA profession and bound by law to ensure that the profession is practiced properly.
Every accountant is by law bound by the following fundamental behavioural standards: integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. The NBA assists accountants in fulfilling their crucial role in society, both in the present and future.
We are also a proud member of FinExpertiza, a Top-30 worldwide largest audit and consulting network with independent audit, valuation and consulting member firms.
FinExpertiza on its turn is a member of the Forum of Firms. This Forum of Firms is an independent association of international networks of firms that perform transnational audits. The Forum’s objective is to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices worldwide—bringing together firms that perform transnational audits and involving them more closely with IFAC’s activities in audit and other assurance-related areas.
Forum members must demonstrate their commitment to adhere to and promote the consistent application of high-quality audit practices worldwide, as detailed in the Forum’s Constitution, operating procedures, and governance arrangements.
Together with our affiliate companies JD Accounting and JD Legal, we have been selected as contributor for the United States taxation and accounting chapter of the Lexis Nexis publication International Corporate Procedures.
As part of the JD alliance, the top tier services and hand-on approach have been recognized by the market, not only receiving recommendations from peer firms but also by our most valued clients. This has led us to receive numerous awards from various reputable expert jury organizations.
Contact Us
Responsible. Responsive. Pragmatists. Professionals. This is who we are at JD Audit, your leading international audit company in the United States.